
1860 census records for Martinsburg, listing Belle’s entire family.

Entry for the Boyd family. Note that Belle’s name is listed as “Maria”. Her given name was “Maria Isabelle” but no one ever called her that.

Old maps of Martinsburg. 1857 on the left and 1879 on the right.

Order for Belle’s imprisonment dated August 28, 1863. Notice her name followed by the words “Rebel Spy”.

Paper that committed Belle to an asylum for the insane in Stockton, California where she gave birth prematurely to a son who died after a few days.

This poster from 1894 lists all of Belle’s various claims to fame. Sadly ticket prices have been reduced, a sign of her declining popularity as interest waned in the Civil War.

Even on Belle’s death certificate, her name is not quite right. Her name at birth was Maria Isabelle.

This undated article (possibly from the 1930s?) appeared in a local newspaper and reports on efforts to have Belle’s body returned from where she was buried in Kilbourn, Wisconsin. As the article makes very clear, Martinsburg was not at all interested. Now however, the local Belle Boyd House is a popular local attraction (see gallery).